Rose Bouquet

This melon fruit carving looks more like a bridal bouquet for me. With the greens and few more flowers, it looks so pretty and fresh. Great work!

Yummy Humvy

I don't know how much hershey's chocolate was used to make this huge jeep. The details are good and most especially the tires. Wasn't able to research on how much time was consumed to finish this heavy load of chocolate work.

Grinning Bear Latte

Smile!!! I definitely will smile if I'll be served with this cute bear design latte. The image is really good and somehow detailed.

Yellow Flowers

Fruits or flowers, this fruity floral pot sure looks great. Pineapple and melons can be really a good match.

Sushi Platter

So creative! Crabs, panda, flower, peaches, cars, grapes, frogs, hearts, snail, smiling face, cartoon character, dragonflies & fish.... the sushi master is truly great with his craft. I find it really hard to achieve such designs. Kawaii!!!!