Bread Castle

The bakers behind can prove they made this bread castle! I often see sand castles but never a bread castle like this. It already amazes me when I see some crazy designed breads so much more this one.

Flower bowl

I am not so sure what kind of fruit was used but from the looks of it, I'm guessing papaya. Young papaya (green papaya) has the shape and colors similar to this. Very interesting artwork, I wish I'll get to learn this kind of art in time.

Chocolatey birdie

Who would ever think this is a chocolate carved bird? The details and everything are very refined and realistic. I wonder how long it took the carver to finish this masterpiece?

Latte heart

Found this when I was browsing for more latter art designs. I guess it deserve the first place with this neatly designed latte. It really looks good!

fruit delight

The combination of melons, apples, pineapples, strawberries, grapes, oranges & cantaloupes make a good fruit flower pots. It will be nice to serve to parties but will sure take your time preparing.